Monday 16 February 2009


I am a person that tends to lean towards the 'half empty' mindset compare to the ever optimist Da Fonz. Even on occasion he would complain that I am all too wound up. All works and no play turn J into a dull kid. There are times, especially after an extra shitty day, I would moan and moan "If only I do this differently", "if only X is less of an beep". However, reading FML, I learned to be less anal with myself. Hey, if half of these anecdotes are true then my life is not half that shabby. Here are some funny anecdotes to brighten up your day. Click to zoom.PS: FML is a recollection of everyday anecdotes likely to happen to anyone. They are published on the site and written exclusively by their users. The site is a place to “let it all out” and unwind by sharing those little things that screw with your day; it allows you to realize that you are not alone :-D

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